Monday, February 12, 2007


It was with a curious sense of "Duh" that I realized that I managed to write about my writing and my horribly disorganized notebooks without mentioning WHAT notebook that I use.

I use the Moleskine. It comes in a million different formats. I used to use the large reporter format, but am currently 'stuck' on the book format.

I had to giggle when someone talked about my 'journal'--a giggle born of futility---I have no journal. I have journal/sermon-note/poetry/story/address hybrids that are born of a mind not diseased with disorganization, but born with that malady gently called by some, spontaneity, but a CURSE by those so afflicted!


I have a question for my currently non-existent readers: How many Moleskine do you have? I currently own 13, and I am absolutely convinced that one has disappeared, thus pulling the total count to 14. I buy the things because

1. They're serious looking. No pink, Orlando Bloom, heart bespectacled 80 page floppies for me!

2. They're the perfect size---not too large or too small. And the lines aren't huge like those stupid 365 page one page a day diaries that you find at the Dollar Tree

3. There's something delicious about wasting $15 dollars on a single notebook---it makes you feel like a suffering artist.

Very few people will admit the last point. And, frankly, I will say that Moleskine are probably "worth" $15, but there's still something true in the suffering artist bit.

Cheers. And remember to answer the question

How many Moleskine do you have?

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