Friday, February 23, 2007

Retreating with Bibles

In a few moments, I will be off for a weekend at a "Ladies Bible Retreat." Now, if the weekend consisted of everyone retreating into corners with Bibles, I would perfectly happy.

Instead, I am anticipating lots of focus on the key passages (if you are a woman, you know what I mean) concerning women, and probably irritating exegesis of said passages. By irritating, I mean incorrect. For instance, using 1 Peter 3 to forbid all jewelry.

Still, there's more reasons to why I am apprehesive about this retreat. I have always found it much easier to debate or talk with men about religion. There's a very simple reason; men do not usually burst into tears and accuse you of being evil or hateful because of your argument. They usually tackle the argument. (Hopefully)

I am sure it will be better than I am anticipating.


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