Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Unique, Traveling Bible

OK, so I have billions of ideas every day. I think this one is cool. (That, by the way, is the lucious ESV Classic Reference Cordovan Bible. Schlurp.

Take a Bible, preferably one that will be tough, with easy to read font size, and something that you can write in without qualms or the notations showing really badly on the other side of the page. Wide margin could be nice.

There’s this one Bible coming out this month that I think would be perfect for me---hardback, wide margin ESV. It’s that, or this elegant cordovan edition that could really last.

Pick a book that you’ve been studying, or feel that you have some insight on. Then, with painstaking care, make relevant notes/notations throughout the text that will aid understanding. No high-lighters allowed. You could insert an article that sheds light on that book, or that simply encouraged you in Bible study. Naturally, some books are very large, so this would have to be flexible.

When this is done, you find someone agreeable, and pass the Bible on to them. They do the same. They pass the Bible on to someone else, and so on and so on. Hopefully, by the time it comes back to you, your traveling Bible has unique and helpful notes and notations that are fresh and new. This could really spark some interesting conversations with the people who have taken the time to do this.

Naturally, the particulars of this idea have not been worked out. That will take time and careful consideration---in short, it will be work. Still, I think there could be potential in it.

Any ideas?

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