Tuesday, April 10, 2007

My Beef with the TNIV

I just couldn't believe it when I saw it. How could the TNIV do this? Could any honest person with a knowledge of Greek actually justify this unwarranted tampering with the text?

OK, OK, I'm being a little silly here. But I really wish that the TNIV would simply put brackets around contested passages like the ending of Mark, and the story of the woman caught in adultery. Now, they've put the entire passages into italics, and this is NOT good news for this lil lady's eyes.

Away with the italics!


Dan said...

Which raise my other beef with the TNIV...
In the NIV they would drop out a verse like Matthew 17:21 and footnote it. Now, it's just GONE. The bracketed verse number is there...and that's it. POOF! GONE!

opinion-minion said...

Yes, I think that it would be better to retain the footnote, simply for clarity's sake. I added it to my TNIV (as a footnote) and will do it wherever it might be needed.

backpakr said...

Thank you for your comment on my own blog http://travlr.blog.com .. I am copying onto blog.com all of my diary, from floppy-disks and am covering from my earliest childhood memories up until today.

It is hard work! .. But am trying to show whoever is interested, the course of my life - how I became a Christian, from having been deeply involved with the occult and other things in my early childhood.

My misunderstand - the BORG Assimilation - of God and Jesus, was made when trying to read the Bible for the first time, at around ten years old! - hehehe! Anything can happen when you throw that combination together! - hahaha!

God bless you!

Ray. ( http://backpakr.blog.com )